The lack of a national agreement on the minimum age for marriage in Lebanon has been a source of concern. All legal procedures relating to matters relating to marriage, divorce, and inheritance are governed by the personal status laws of the various religious denominations. This means that the minimum age for marriage is set by …
The Campaign: Women, who are exposed to violence, find themselves fleeing the action against them, but when they are repeatedly exposed to violence, they are forced to seek asylum (a safe environment) more than once. Violence against women takes on many faces, but the solution is to find absolute protection for women. These women are …
Your Safety and Protection is a Priority
During March 2021, RDFL launched #Your Safety and Protection is a Priority campaign to invite and encourage women on reporting any type of violence they are exposed to during lockdown from COVID-19 Pandemic. The campaign was an electronic march where it was shared with a large number of influencers in Lebanon to call for strengthening …
Reproductive and sexual health campaign
In Jeb Janine, 18 awareness sessions about reproductive and sexual health were conducted in the center. The main objective of the given sessions was to raise awareness about reproductive and sexual health regarding how to maintain menstrual hygiene taking into consideration the economic crises and the difficulty in getting a good quality of the sanitary …
Cyber violence community campaign
In Baalbek and based on the increase in the Cyber bullying cases, especially during the quarantine period and the corona virus pandemic, the women groups chose the campaign to be on Cyber violence which was briefly defined as an online behaviors that can always lead to assault of a person physically, psychologically or emotionally. Initially, …
The Campaign: Advocating for a just civil personal status law Lebanese women face continuous discrimination when it comes to the personal status laws in Lebanon, a cause that RDFL advocated for since its establishment. On July 31th 2019, the Lebanese Women Democratic Gathering -RDFL, organized a sit-in against the discriminatory sectarian personal status laws in …
Violation of Women’s Rights in the Labor Market
OXFAM Online Campaign – Violation of Women’s Rights in the Labor Market Violations in Labor Market campaign was within the framework of “ My Work My Right” project implemented by the Lebanese Women Democratic Gathering in cooperation with Najdeh Association and the Lebanese Observatory for Workers and Employees Rights, and with support from Oxfam and …