OXFAM Online Campaign – Violation of Women’s Rights in the Labor Market
Violations in Labor Market campaign was within the framework of “ My Work My Right” project implemented by the Lebanese Women Democratic Gathering in cooperation with Najdeh Association and the Lebanese Observatory for Workers and Employees Rights, and with support from Oxfam and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation. This campaign aimed to provide a general picture of the most important violations that women face in their field of work by organizing focus groups with 55 Lebanese, Palestinian and Syrian workers, taking into account the multiplicity of factors surrounding the issue of the situation of women in the field of wage work. The vice president of RDFL, Dr. Caroline Sukkar, prepared a study of 42 pages based on the results of the focus group discussions, which was later promoted via a digital media campaign. The campaign was Furn Chebbak, Medawar St., Chokrallah bldg., 1 st fl. Tel: 01 42 55 04 Telfax: 01 42 55 03 Beirut@RDFLwomen.org @RDFLwomen launched on RDFL Facebook, Instagram and Twitter pages where we reached through 10 stories: 193.65K on Facebook and 315374 people on Instagram, and 9950 on Twitter.