The Campaign: Advocating for a just civil personal status law
Lebanese women face continuous discrimination when it comes to the personal status laws in Lebanon, a cause that RDFL advocated for since its establishment. On July 31th 2019, the Lebanese Women Democratic Gathering -RDFL, organized a sit-in against the discriminatory sectarian personal status laws in Beirut titled “#Ihzaro_Ghadab_AlNisaa,” which translates into be aware of women’s anger in English, aiming to pressure the government to adopt a civil law that guarantees equality among all Lebanese women and protects them from the injustices of religious courts. Many prominent NGOs and organizations in Lebanon such as KAFA and Lihakki took part in this protest. Aside from participating institutions and NGOs, women who were victims of the unjust laws of religious courts came up to the stage to share their stories and voice their opinions to the public. Other stories were shared through audio recordings. Banners, posters, and screams filled up the sky of Martyr’s square.
RDFL also launched on the 10th of December 2019, Human Rights Day, a digital campaign under the same hashtag of the sit-in, to call for the prevention and elimination of violence against women and girls in Lebanon and to speak up loud on the injustice of religious status laws covered by religious and spiritual courts. The campaign highlighted and promoted the women’s testimonies that were shared in the sit-in.