Title of Project: GBV and humanitarian actors are supported in strengthening their PSEA capacities and in responding to GBV cases (for women, girls and other individuals at risk) Overall project objective: Women and girls, especially from marginalized communities, in Beirut and North Lebanon, are protected from violence and supported by powerful actors in the field …
There is a vital need for NGOs and CSOs to work to improve women’s rights and status through raising the awareness of the public on women’s rights in the aim of changing behaviors, attitudes and practices especially towards SGBV and child marriage. Work should be done at the level of the Lebanese society, but also …
CIVSAM : Civil Society Strengthening in Lebanon
Program objective: Contribute further into civil society strengthening through multiple approaches and modalities. Increase enjoyment of human rights by women and girls and the advancement of gender equality in a vibrant and pluralistic civil society Program description: Work to support CBOs, local networks and youth groups in a clear strategy aligned with a clear mission …
This program is implemented by RDFL in partnership with KTK, and Diakonia and its general goal is to contribute in combating violence against women and girls in Lebanon. Through this project, RDFL aimed at expanding and strengthening the protection of women from violence individually and at community level in five governorates in Lebanon. It also …
SGBV, SRH and MHPSS in Tripoli-T5 and Akkar
Program Name: Safe Environments for Women and Girls: Integrating SGBV, SRH and MHPSS in Tripoli-T5 and Akkar Program Goal: Women and girls living in Beirut, the T5 (Tripoli – Northern Lebanon) and Akkar and its surrounding areas experience enhanced safety and wellbeing, and are empowered to make informed decisions about their sexual and reproductive health …
SAFIR project aim to support youth and achieve sustainable development goals in 9 Arab countries. With the support of the European Union, the project aim to create an enabling environment for youth participation and the development of entrepreneurial project with social\cultural and environmental impact. The 21 selected CSOs will benefit from standardization and alignment sessions …
Objective: To enhance the protection, resilience and resilience of women and young women within the host Lebanese society. This project aims to support these goals by engaging local communities and partners involved in protracted crises to ensure that these goals are long-term and sustainable. Within the framework of the general objective of contributing to the transfer …