Home News “Open Your Eyes to Your Rights” event at RDFL’s Ksarnaba Center
News - August 1, 2017

“Open Your Eyes to Your Rights” event at RDFL’s Ksarnaba Center

A joint initiative from The Lebanese Women Democratic Gathering- RDFL and Unicef, in participation of Himaya and SOS, an evening entitled Open Your Eyes to Your Rights took place in the Beqaa Valley of Lebanon on July 31st, 2017 targeting around 250 children, mothers and fathers from the community of Syrian refugees. The activist spirit was woven into the events of what, on the surface, is seemingly a children’s party as the Hassan Salman farmhouse was lined with multicolored balloons, and musical and painting activities breathed a youthful life into the gray walls. The overall objective of this community event was to promote children and women’s rights and to engage men in challenging violence against women/GBV through a set of side activities targeting women, men and children.

Dance lines morphed into festive protests, with children gleefully raising posters with slogans such as “the right to live free from slavery” boldly written on them; the geometric shapes and animal face paint on the children’s faces was peppered with patriotic slogans, little children adorning the name of their conflict stricken nation across their cheeks. Different stations were set by the volunteers, including activities for women’s self-defense beyond the craft and musical-based activities.


Photo and text credit: Rand Algosaibi, volunteer at RDFL.