Home Studies Training Manuals Training Guide: Gender-based Violence and Women’s Rights
Training Manuals - April 23, 2020

Training Guide: Gender-based Violence and Women’s Rights

Training guide for women and men, local organization and private sector

This Guide is prepared to e easy to use by a facilitator who is familiar with the subject of gender-based violence to provide awareness sessions and training for members of the community, local organizations’ employees and representatives of the private sector, both male and female. Therefore, the first chapter is focusing on gender-based violence and protection, chapter two on women’s rights and international conventions and the third chapter is dedicated to facilitators. exercises are designed to be suitable for all target groups with basic messages to emphasize on based on the group of participants and the type of training.

To download the training guide press here

This curriculum has been developed by the Lebanese Women Democratic Gathering – RDFL and funded by UN Women under the project ” Operationalizing Human Security in Tripoli for Women and Girls” , implemented in partnership with ACTED 2019-2020.

The Lebanese Women Democratic Gathering – RDFL is a feminist, grassroots and membership- based organization working to advance gender equality through advocacy, networking and solidarity work in Lebanon. It was established in 1976


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